Our St Andrew’s Community

Jesus said,  “Come and follow me” Mathew 4: 19 

Making New Friends In Church

Our welcoming and well-attended Sunday services are followed by the opportunity to stay on to socialise with other members of the congregation while enjoying coffee and biscuits.  After our midweek communion service on the first Wednesday of the month, the church remains open till lunchtime to welcome visitors for refreshments and conversation, or to take part in a discussion group.

Praying together

St Andrew’s is also open on Saturday mornings for prayers (Morning Offices) starting at 8.30. A small group also meets together one afternoon a month in a congregation member’s home to offer prayers for members of the church and community who are known to be sick or struggling in various ways.

Learning Too

Throughout the year, but usually during Lent or Advent, a House Group holds a series of evening meetings, to which all are welcome. These take place at various members’ homes to follow a ‘York Series’ of discussion courses, which help people share their experiences and understanding of the Christian faith.

Following the monthly midweek communion service, the minister leads series of short seminars in the church and those who wish to take part can enhance their understanding of various elements of the scriptures to reinforce their faith.

Fun & Fundraising

Coffee Mornings
We enjoy getting together about once a month, usually on a Saturday and in someone’s home, for a St. Andrew’s Coffee Morning. These are famed locally for the good coffee and home-made cakes, and the opportunity to purchase small gifts from a bring and buy stall or win a raffle prize. Open to friends, neighbours and family, it’s a good opportunity to get to know new people and raises funds for the church.

Afternoon Teas
In August each year, the church itself is open for Sunday Afternoon Teas.  People can call in between 2 and 5pm, enjoy refreshments including cream teas and home-made cakes, often to the sound of local professional musicians. Now a major local event, it attracts large numbers of visitors and is a valuable fundraising opportunity with members of the congregation contributing to its success by baking or serving.

There are many other occasions in the year where the congregation will welcome and provide refreshments for visiting groups, and new volunteers are always welcome to help St. Andrew’s feature in the wider community.