Our Ministry Team

Jesus said “love one another as I have loved you” John 15: 12


Following government and denominational advice and requirements, Sunday and mid-week services will not be taking place in any of the six Stantonbury Partnership Churches until further notice. Some churches may be open at certain times on certain days for private prayer and these details will be posted once they have been agreed.


Please contact one of the following for further advice should this pose a particular problem for you. The Ministers assure you of our support at this difficult time. We are available for phone or internet based contact. We are working towards sustaining the prayer and witnessing life of our Partnership and each congregation is making plans for this to continue in some form

  • Ministers Team Leader/ Team Rector: Rev Dr Paul Smith (Main Contact for Communication)

01908 606689 / smith.paul.a@icloud.com

  • Team Vicar (Bradwell): Rev Dr Neil Popham

01908 976119 / revneilpopham.mk@gmail.com

  • Baptist Minister: Rev David Lewis

01908 313059 / deiknuo@googlemail.com

  • Methodist Minister: Rev Nicola Martyn-Beck

01908 614411 / nicola.martyn-beck@methodist.org.uk

  • Team Vicar (St Andrew’s, Great Linford): Rev Canon Chuks Iwuagwu

01908 608672 / Revchuks@Standrewsgl.org

  • Team Vicar (Cross & Stable, Downs Barn): Rev Dr Sam Muthuveloe

01908 668829 / sam.muthuveloe@gmail.com

Ministry at St Andrew’s 

Ministry at St Andrew’s is shared between several lay and ordained ministers. However there are three licensed ministers who look after St Andrew’s. This means that they share pastoral leadership of the congregation and are authorised to do so. 

Colin Taylor is a Church of England licensed lay minister. Colin takes services and preaches at St Andrew’s regularly. 

Rev David Lewis is an ordained baptist minister. David is associate at St Andrew’s and leads worship, preaches and provides pastoral care in the St Andrew’s pastoral area. 

Rev Canon Chuks Iwuagwu is the Anglican minister in the pastoral charge of the St Andrew’s area. He is the key contact for all enquiries regarding ministry at St Andrews. 

Our wider ministerial support 

At St Andrew’s we are blessed to have several retired ministers who occasionally lead worship and preach. We are grateful to them and receive with thanksgiving all that they offer and all that they bring from their wealth of pastoral and ministerial experience. 

Ministry in the wider Stantonbury partnership 

St Andrew’s is blessed to be part of the Stantobury ecumenical partnership, which is made up of six churches in the Stantonbury and Willen area. This means that there are other ministers in the partnership who also share in ministry at St Andrew’s.