Young Church

Jesus said “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” Mathew 19:14

The Very Youngest

The very youngest have their own ‘cosy’ corner in the church where they can play safely and quietly with parents keeping an eye on them during Sunday service. We would like to establish a mid-week parent and toddler group to further cater to this age group.


On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday of each month, primary school age children begin the service with their parents (or grandparents) and then move into the Bell Tower with helpers for their own age-appropriate activities based on the theme of the main service and return to their parents for the Eucharist. We trust that this teaching will help them on the way to deciding for themselves in due course to be confirmed. On the 1st Sunday of the month, children in the congregation engage in the main informal service.

The Pioneer 12 Club
One evening a week from 6pm, we have a well-attended, minister-led club and this is open to all children from the community in the Years 2 – 6 age-group

Older Children

We are working towards offering a second youth group suitable for older children. Until we have a viable size group, we are able to direct secondary age young people to appropriate activities in the wider parish or Milton Keynes Mission Partnership. Great Linford Beavers, Cubs and Scouts have a long history of association with St Andrew’s and attend in good numbers for parade services for instance on Remembrance Sunday.

Local Schools

We have strong links with local schools. Our own St Andrew’s Church of England First School holds its annual Christingle Service in the church while Giffard Park and Great Linford Combined Schools visit the church during the year as part of their religious education and their Year 6 pupils take part in Christmas and Easter ‘Cracked’ events to learn more about the life of Jesus.